Praise Report

Free Of Depression Through Right Believing

About four years ago, I got very depressed. One day, at around 4am in the morning, I turned on my television and Joseph Prince was on the American Family Channel. I had never seen or heard of him before. He was talking about the High Priest in the Old Testament and he had a stuffed lamb prop with him. During that sermon, he showed us how when the person making the offering put his hands on the unblemished lamb’s head, the sins of the one making the offering went into the lamb, and the lamb’s righteousness went into the person. I was so transfixed by what I saw and heard that the depression left me immediately.

Later, I went online to check out Joseph Prince’s web page to see what he believed about Jesus and the Bible. I wanted to make sure that he was a Christian. I found out that he believed what I had believed. I then noticed that he had also written some books. I first bought Destined To Reign and loved it. So I bought every book of his. I also started watching Joseph every morning.

Although I have been saved for thirty-nine years, I had been living under the law for thirty-four of those years. I got saved in a church that did not believe in the security of our eternal salvation. I confessed my sins all the time and I was never sure if I had read my Bible enough. I used to think that God was always mad at me and believed that I could lose my salvation.

I never had a good earthly father but I had a phenomenal earthly mother who loved me unconditionally. Now, I see God the Father as someone who loves me as my earthly mother did, only more.

Since watching Joseph’s teaching on grace, I know and feel so secure in the Lord. I know that all my sins—past, present, and future—are all forgiven. I cannot begin to tell you the peace and security this message has given me after struggling for so many years. This is really good news!

Illinois, United States
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