Praise Report

Free Of Long-Term Despair And Addictions, Reigning In Life

I struggled with depression and despair for years, and they led me down a path of self-destruction. I lost so much in my life and even the people I loved left me. Lost and confused, I moved from place to place, trying to make a better life for myself, but nothing ever worked out.

I married out of vanity, not for love, but out of the marriage came a son whom I love more than life itself. However, due to my unhappiness and bad decision making, I found myself in a world of drug addiction and alcohol abuse. As a result, I lost my job, my wife, and my beloved son.

I had to travel from Ireland to South Africa to see my son. I managed to find a job, but the drugs, alcohol, and despair were stronger than my ability to put things back together. I was a slave to my situation.

Living alone and lonely, my mind turned to suicide, but I also failed in that attempt. Then, I met a lady named Linda, who helped me find my feet, and I slowly moved forward, enduring life and my addictions.

I would cry to God for help, but I didn’t really think that He would help me, or if He even existed. Nonetheless, I kept looking up and asking.

In 2013, my relationship with Linda was going very badly and it seemed as if we were going to go our separate ways. I thought to myself, “There is no effect in believing in God.” So I asked again, “God, what do You want from me? What is it that I have to do? Where are You? Am I being punished for the way I am…do You really exist?”

I came home to an empty house that night. I sat on the couch, turned on the television to watch the news, but the volume was too high. I pressed a button to turn the volume down, but instead of changing the volume, the television stations started to scroll down, and the channel stopped at Trinity Broadcasting Network. Now, I am not one for listening to Christian television, so I tried to change the channel back to my news channel immediately, but the channel got stuck.

Pastor Prince, at that very instant, you looked into the camera and said, “Perhaps there is somebody here in this service, or watching this on television. Your life is right now being tossed by certain winds. Maybe it is winds of financial turbulence, maybe it is a storm of sickness that has come into your life. Whatever the winds are, whatever the storm is, I am here to tell you, in the midst of the storm, look out for Jesus.”

I felt like I was being hit by a freight train. I stopped in my tracks and I was freaked out because just a few minutes ago I was screaming at God for answers. I was certain that God was pointing me somewhere that moment. My body started to tingle and the light in the room started to get brighter. Even though I am not one for having “religious” moments, I was positive that I was having a moment with Christ. That was how real it was and totally unexpected.

Your sermon changed my world! I had no idea that God could love a person like me after all I had done. The next day, I went out and bought your book, Destined To Reign. I finished it in two days and after reading it, I felt a hunger that I never experienced before, an understanding that I never grasped. My eyes were opened and I wanted more.

Through your teachings, I am now able to understand the Word of God like never before. I am applying the Word in my life. I am now free! Free to be loved by God because of the finished work of our Lord Jesus Christ. I am free to hope, free to receive, and free to come to Jesus even when I fail.

I now have no drug addictions, no alcohol dependence, and my relationships are better than ever. My son, whom I love, is prospering. My life of unhappiness and despair is gone. My job is prospering. My heart has changed, my family has expanded, and our future is secure in Jesus Christ, all because of the message of grace. Hallelujah!

God’s grace in my situation has even overflowed into the lives of my friends, who are now also saved and prospering, thanks to the amazing grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and your grace-filled books. I am now full of the Holy Spirit and reigning in life.

Thank you, Joseph! Thank You, Jesus!

Gavin Hanlon
South Africa
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