Praise Report

Free Trip To Europe By God’s Grace

Last year was truly an “amazing grace” journey for me! I had been looking forward to taking an overseas vacation and this dream came to pass beginning April 2012.

My first trip abroad was to Singapore. It was a two-day trip and the main purpose was to visit New Creation Church! After that, I accompanied my mom on her work trip to Malaysia.

In June, my parents and I were talking about how we would like to visit Holland as we were having dinner at a Dutch restaurant. In the midst of our conversation, my mom received a call from my uncle and he asked if I would like to accompany him on an all-expense-paid trip to Holland! I screamed a “Thank You, Jesus” in my heart and almost jumped up from my seat, wanting to tell everybody in the room that God is good!

However, I needed a visa but I did not have one when the ticket was issued. My uncle already had an invitation letter from his daughter who lives in Holland, but I could not get one. I was also unable to get an appointment to apply for my visa at the last minute.

I was feeling depressed and began worrying that I wouldn’t be able to make it to Holland. I even thought of giving up and told Daddy God, “Whether I go to Holland or not, I don’t care.” That was when I realized that I had not been resting. I was reminded once again that it was all by grace. If I put self-effort into the situation, it would only get messier.

So I decided to just wait on the Lord even though there were still some worrying thoughts going through my mind during that period. But I always reminded myself that Daddy God is good and He loves me so. I was able to rejoice and sing to the Lord because I believed that the victory was already mine.

Within the next two days, my uncle told me that he had contacted the embassy of Indonesia in Holland, and an official there was willing to help. I also found out that I may not necessarily obtain a visa with just a letter of invitation.

The official wrote a letter to get both of us calling visas and that was enough to give me access to the embassy of Holland without making an appointment. The visa was issued on the same day I applied! So Jesus was actually setting me up for a greater authorization than an invitation letter, and all the waiting was not in vain because the Lord was helping me to be at the right place at the right time!

On June 27, I flew to Holland on business class and stayed there for a month. That was truly more than enough for me, but I received more fantastic bonuses from Daddy God and got to visit France, Belgium and Germany too! Who would have thought that I could go to four countries in Europe for FREE! How amazing is our Daddy God—He is simply good beyond imagination!

And that is not all. Remember my overseas trip that started in Singapore? It also ended in Singapore in the month of August and the main purpose was still the same—to visit New Creation Church!

Pastor Prince said that God’s goodness always exceeds our wildest dreams and this is so true! Hallelujah! I am so overwhelmed! I had never gone abroad before, but now I have been to six countries, all in the same year! Truly, when God opens a door, no one can by any means shut it!

Yemima KeziaTicoalu
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