Praise Report

Freed From 15-Year Smoking And Alcohol Addiction

I received Jesus Christ last year and began watching Pastor Prince’s teachings. The sermon that first touched me came from the DVD box set, Live In Israel—A TBN Special. Since then, a lot has changed in my life.

I was a chain smoker and an alcoholic for almost 15 years but since last year, I have been freed from these habits completely and I am growing in the Lord daily.

The gospel of grace that Pastor Prince preaches has really influenced my life in a positive way. May God bless him in Jesus’ name.

Georgia, United States
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Secured Place At A Prestigious University Despite Odds

In 2012, I was struggling to get into a good engineering institution, as my entrance test scores...

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Delivered from Lifelong Smoking Addiction in 7 Days

Delivered from Lifelong Smoking Addiction in 7 Days

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