Praise Report

Freed From 34 Years Of Alcohol Addiction

I had been an alcoholic for 34 years. Although I was born-again at the age of 17, that did not stop me from falling into Satan’s trap of mental lies. I loved God in my heart but my mind and body were not in agreement with me and I did not know why. I felt like I was drowning in a mental and emotional pool called “condemnation.”

Once, when I was detoxing from the effects of an alcohol binge, I tuned in to a Christian television channel. God had led me to a sermon by Pastor Prince. Even though my physical body was in horrible pain and I could not eat or drink, even though I was still feeling guilty over my last bout with alcohol, I found comfort in watching his broadcast.

I have been a student of the Bible for many years. In the past, the word “grace” to my ears and mind was just a pretty word used in beautiful church songs. I never fully understood what grace was because I’d only heard of a laundry list of never ending dos and don’ts that I knew in my alcoholic state I was unable to perform.

But when I heard you use the word “grace” on that dark, lonely night over your broadcast, there was such enlightenment. When you preached on grace being all about Jesus, that was when the light of revelation turned on for me. My mind believed, my spirit knew, and my physical body was relieved because I had just heard the GOOD NEWS! It was FINISHED! Just like what Jesus shouted from the wooden cross. From that moment, I realized that I am a highly favored and deeply loved child of the Most High God.

God in His great love for me has given me double for my trouble. I have now been sober for 16 months. While in rehab, I led four young women to Christ and helped to baptize them in the sea. I have also written and published a book about addiction. Yes, I am free because of Jesus and it is and shall always be about Him. Thank you, Pastor Prince, for lighting the way! I am highly favored, deeply loved, and greatly blessed, and I send you my blessings!

Caroline Hefley
Virgina, United States
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