Praise Report

Freed From Addiction To Drugs, Alcohol And Cigarettes

About four years ago, I was babysitting and came across your program on TCT. You were talking about the grace and love of God that included His full and complete forgiveness and unconditional love.

I’ve been a Christian for most of my life but until listening to you teach about God's grace, I never understood what true forgiveness of ALL my past, present and future sins really meant.

Even as I’m typing this now, I am full of excitement because of all that God has done through the blood of Jesus at Calvary and His precious Holy Spirit in my life. Before I heard the message of grace, a cloud of guilt and condemnation always hung over and followed me. It prevented me from having any kind of peace even though I believed in God and believed I was forgiven.

I was also addicted to drugs, alcohol and cigarettes for many years. I knew what I was doing was wrong but I could not free myself from my addictions even though I kept trying to. However, after listening to your many messages on God’s grace, I began to see changes in my life. Now, not only have I been delivered from alcohol, drugs and cigarettes, I also have the peace of mind as well as joy and contentment I never thought was possible.

I’m in total agreement with what you teach—that if people knew about God’s grace, they wouldn’t want to sin—because that’s been so true of my life. I’ve also learned so much from your teachings including the power of speaking in tongues, and have been so blessed by the results.

Today, I am happy to say that I live in constant continued peace and I can’t begin to tell you how good it feels to be sober and completely off drugs and alcohol. Before this had happened, I thought I would die a drunk and a drug addict.

I’ve since purchased many of your teaching resources. Your book, The Power of Right Believing, has changed my life forever! I have truly been changed and transformed from inside out.

My thinking has been totally transformed and I’ve since let go of unforgiveness, a bondage that almost destroyed me completely. I just couldn’t figure out how to totally let go until I understood the grace of God in my own life.

Please continue to teach the grace of God. I know that many others lives will be changed as a result for if God could make this miraculous change in my life, He can do it for anyone.

I am continually praying for your ministry to reach all—especially the Christians still living in captivity and bondage—like I was for so many years. Believe me when I tell you I was at the bottom of the bottom when I came across your program. I was totally depressed and no longer wanted to live. But today, I not only want to live but am so enjoying the journey. Thank you, and may God continue to bless you your family and ministry.

Joyce Ackerman
Michigan, United States
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