Praise Report

Freed From Bondage To Alcohol

Even though I was saved for nearly thirty years, I’ve had a serious long-term addiction to alcohol. I was totally in bondage to the habit and in recent years, I couldn’t go more than two days without getting really drunk.

I was always confessing my sin and repenting before God, but I would return to my habit again and again. It was a cycle that went on for years until I started listening to Joseph Prince speak about God’s grace.

I learned that the death of Jesus on the cross could affect my life NOW. I also read Joseph’s book Grace Revolution and the Holy Spirit led me to Romans 6:10—for the death that Jesus died, He died to sin once for all—and something inside me just clicked.

I looked up Strong’s Concordance and found that the word “all” in Romans 6:10 means everyone and everything. I realized that I am included in that word all. This means when Jesus died to sin, He did it for me. His death had provided the way out of my terrible bondage, whereas my struggling, guilt, and shame had been all for naught.

I’m so pleased to say that I have not drunk a drop of alcohol for more than eighteen months now. This has been made possible not by my own strength, but by the enlightenment of God’s Word through the Holy Spirit. That’s how true freedom came into my life.

I thank God for your ministry, Joseph. God bless you.

Emma Hardie
United Kingdom
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