Praise Report

Freed From Bitterness, Condemnation And Fearing God’s Judgment

I received Christ at a fellowship group in my high school when I was fifteen. Back then, I enjoyed a relationship with God. I felt so forgiven and loved by Him. Soon, I began serving at the fellowship group with a lot of ease and life, and all was good by God’s grace.

However, two years later, someone convinced me to join his fellowship group in order to practice the “full” Christian life. I took up his invitation and started to learn many things I needed to fulfill as a Christian, such as fasting and praying every day.

I believe these practices are not wrong, but my relationship with God started to grow cold. I started to think that God was after my works and was very demanding. Whenever I did not fulfill the demands, I felt unworthy of God’s presence and would become frustrated and feel condemned. I even started to think that God was against me and that I would end up in hell.

The passion I once had for God turned into bitterness and I greatly feared His judgment. I also could not experience His love for me and the restful Christian life that I once had before. I felt lost and unsure of my salvation. Life felt hopeless and I expected bad things to happen to me any time.

After struggling for two years in misery, I came across Pastor Prince’s broadcast by the grace of God. At first, I could not believe what I was hearing. I was a “workaholic” regarding the things of God, and could not accept his messages that taught about resting in Christ. I also didn’t believe that I was actually trying to earn God’s blessings the whole time. But deep inside my heart, I felt peace and joy as I continued listening.

Gradually, I started believing in Pastor Prince’s messages as they were based on Scripture. Just like what Pastor Prince taught in Luke 10, I learned to rest in Christ (as Mary in the gospel of Luke did) and His finished work instead of trying to perform works for God (as Martha, Mary's sister did). I learned that God is actually more pleased if I first rested and received from Him instead of trying to serve and give to Him.

It also seemed like a risk to rest and not do anything for God. But the more I rested, the more I felt free. It took me a year to unlearn my old habits and wrong believing. As I continued to rest, God revealed His heart of love toward me and showed me how fully forgiven and forever righteous I am in Christ.

I have been listening to Pastor Prince’s messages for three years now and my heavenly Father has fully restored my Christian life. I am also serving God more—without any burden, fear, or feelings of condemnation!

I am now twenty-three years old with a great desire to become an evangelist and share the gospel of grace in Uganda. May God continue to bless Pastor Prince’s ministry abundantly, and may God’s will be done on earth as His people are restored and set free. God bless you, Pastor Prince. All glory and honor to our Lord Jesus Christ!

Betty Kyaligonza
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