Praise Report

Freed From Bondage Of Fear, Serving God Joyfully

I became a Christian when I was nine years old. When I grew into my teenage years, I wanted to help out as a church worker.

However, I heard sermons on how God could strike a man down in His presence. I was afraid that something bad might happen to me if I served Him since I still saw myself as a condemned sinner. This kept me from serving in the church even though it was something I longed to do.

I was fearful of God until I heard Pastor Prince’s teachings last year when I turned twenty-four. He showed me how I am the righteousness of God in Christ and have been made perfect by Jesus’ finished work on the cross. Sin cannot have dominion over me because I am not under the law but under grace. And I can have “boldness to enter the Holiest by the blood of Jesus” (Heb. 10:19). I knew immediately that this was God’s word to set me free from the bondage of fear that had enslaved me for so many years.

Before this encounter, though I had a heart for God, the Bible had always been boring for me as I did not understand what I was reading. After understanding God’s grace, I started reading the Bible with the help of the Holy Spirit. Sin-consciousness lost its grip over my life. I began to understand what a loving and gracious God I have. Now, I am no longer fearful of God. I am a son of God and I can call Him, Abba Father.

Today, I have so much joy serving God. I sing in the church choir and share the good news of Jesus Christ whenever an opportunity arises. I was also moved to write a book that I will be sharing for free to tell the world of the forgiveness they have in Christ.

I bless God for using Joseph Prince Ministries to bring the word of truth to God’s people. Thank You, Jesus.

United Kingdom
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