Freed From Condemnation And Experiencing Abundant Life
I thank God for the way He is using your ministry to impact many lives. I grew up as a Methodist but never really had a relationship with Christ. I came to Christ when I was a teenager at an evangelistic crusade in Gaborone in 1979.
However, a few weeks later, I started to backslide because I felt so condemned. I thought that I had committed the unpardonable sin. I continued to struggle with my thoughts until I gave up two years later. I stopped communing with my Maker. I fell into a sinful lifestyle.
In 1991, I came back to God after I went for counseling by a Pentecostal pastor. During the period 1991 to 2010, I never experienced breakthroughs in my life because I still felt condemned. I thought that the Lord was punishing me for the time I went away. I even started to develop some illnesses.
Then, I saw you on Trinity Broadcasting Network in October 2010 and the message hit home. I started praying in line with the grace message. In four days, I stopped medication for hypertension. I bought and read your book, Destined To Reign. I have since stopped medication for schizophrenia and I am doing well.
I believe that this is the beginning of abundant life. I sleep well and I do not experience heart palpitations any more. GOD HAS BEGUN A GOOD WORK. I am so blessed by your messages. I have also been receiving your Daily Grace Inspirations. GLORY BE TO GOD. AMEN and AMEN.