Praise Report

Freed from Condemnation, Blessed in Marriage and at Work

I grew up in a Christian household. My mother raised my sister and I in the church and we had to attend service even when we did not want to. When I got older, I left the church and started living like I was not saved. I was partying all the time and living a promiscuous lifestyle.

Then, my father got really ill and it scared me. I called out to Jesus because it was the only thing I knew how to do at the time. Jesus healed my dad. I also met my husband that year and once I settled down with him, I felt like I was drawing closer to God. I wanted to be a good wife and mother.

The following year, my dad got sick again. He eventually went home to be with the Lord. I was sad for a while because I had been very close to my father and loved him dearly. From then on, I made up in my mind to live right and continue to grow closer to God.

As I started listening to different pastors and reading the Bible for myself, I started to feel condemned. I felt like I could never meet the requirements that God set. I wanted to be a great wife and wonderful mother but as I looked at God's Word, and then at myself, I just could not help but feel lost. I struggled because I had horrible thinking and I was very insecure and critical of myself.

The first year of my marriage was rough. My husband and I argued a lot. All I heard was, “You have to live like this, you have to live like that. You have to love God and stop acting the way you are acting.” I felt the whole burden was on me and I could not do it. I wanted to love God, but I felt like I was not pleasing Him at all. I felt like He was mad at me and even when I tried to live right, I could not do enough. I remember going to church and having terrible thoughts during praise and worship. I felt disconnected from worshiping God.

Then one day, when I went to my mother’s house, she gave me a book called Destined To Reign by Pastor Joseph Prince. My mom always buys me books because she knows I love to read. Once I started to read the book, the Holy Spirit opened my eyes. I had never heard preaching on grace like this. I was so excited! After I finished the book, I went to Pastor Prince’s website and I purchased almost every book he wrote up to that time.

I could not believe what I was hearing. I got hold of some of his sermons and I listen to them on my phone daily. I love to hear about Jesus. God is so good! For so long, I was trying to please God, not realizing that He was already pleased with me because of the finished work of Christ. Jesus freed me from everything that had me bound! I no longer feel insecure or struggle with defeatist thinking and wrong believing.

On top of this, my husband and I no longer fight anymore. If fact, very rarely do we now have a disagreement. I can also worship God in peace without feeling condemned. I pray in tongues often and I take the Holy Communion as often as I can. I confess my righteousness in Christ every morning and thank God for loving me so much. I am even starting to teach my young children about Jesus. I have also been promoted at work, and God has revealed to me my calling, which is to help people with their credit and finances.

I love Jesus so much! I have been transformed from the inside out by hearing the true gospel of Jesus Christ. Everyone notices it, even my husband.

Pastor Prince, I want to thank you for preaching the Word of God and for revealing Jesus. God bless you, your family, and your ministry. All praise to Jesus Christ, the love of my life!

Tiffany Shabazz
Illinois, United States
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