Praise Report

Freed From Condemnation, Empowered To Share The Gospel

I used to be so conscious of myself and my performance. Even though I was a long-time Christian and Bible school graduate, I felt that holiness was beyond my reach. I tried to earn God’s favor through my daily routines of praying and reading the Bible. Any failures to go through this routine would make me feel defeated, lousy, and guilty.

However, when I started watching Pastor Prince’s sermons and reading his book, The Power of Right Believing, I started to look at myself in a new way. Praise God for opening my eyes! He gave me the truth and set me free from the law with your materials!

Now, I am Jesus-conscious and know that I am God’s beloved. I am healed from arthritis, which had plagued me for four years. The pain used to be so severe that I could not even hold a pen. I have also gained weight. Instead of weighing 114 pounds, I now weigh 141 pounds. I am totally healed! Hallelujah! When my friends asked, “What did you do?” I simply answered, “I believe right and I understand His grace for me.”

God’s grace is so evident in my life. When I think of His grace, my tears fall unconsciously. Goodbye addictions, condemnation, guilt, sin, and the law. Jesus has overpaid my debt.

Pastor Prince, your message of grace brought such a big impact on my life that I can’t help but share it with my friends. It’s a message of God’s love. a message that brings not bondage, but freedom.

When I read Chapter 17 of The Power of Right Believing, “God Loves It When You Ask Big,” I felt that it left an imprint on my heart. When you asked, “What would you ask for?” I wrote these words, “A mega church.” I pray for a church that is filled with grace-conscious people to impact the world. There’s going to be a grace revolution in our country and we are going to preach it!

God bless you and your family.

Jay Savilla
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