Praise Report

Freed From Condemnation, No More Fear Of Visiting Dentist

I grew up in an environment where keeping the Ten Commandments was upheld as a virtue and a sign of being born again. I was taught that God would punish me whenever I sinned, and if anything bad happened to me, it was because I (or my ancestors) did something wicked in the past. I was also taught that I could lose my salvation. As such, I spent years anticipating God’s punishment for my bad deeds.

I even pretended to speak in tongues in secondary school to appear holy. Shortly after that, I read that there was no forgiveness for sinning against the Holy Spirit. In my twelve-year-old mind, I thought I had committed the unpardonable sin by pretending to speak in tongues, and believed I was doomed for hell. I held this belief for more than twenty years.

I saw how impossible it was for me to do right every day by my own efforts. I would wake up in the morning and promise myself not to sin, but fail woefully every single time. I would also feel so guilty in church because I was unable to “crucify the flesh” as the pastor said we should.

I also lost friends because I was so tense and stressed out trying to please God. I even thought I was a better person than them because I was fasting, praying, and denying worldly pleasures for God. But in all of these, I never felt complete. I felt that if the rapture happened, I would be left behind because my life wasn’t perfect.

In 2010, I went for a tooth extraction and became very sick a few weeks after. Despite being an exercise buff, I would get extremely tired just from walking ten steps or taking a shower. I went for all sorts of tests and a CT scan but the doctors could not find anything.

On my own, I googled my symptoms and they matched those of chronic fatigue syndrome. I read that it could be caused by a dental procedure. Shortly after, I also heard a sermon that payback for our sins could come in anyway, even from something as simple as a tooth extraction. You can imagine how I felt! I thought the message was for me and that I was being punished for sins that I had committed. To make matters worse, most of my molars were cavity-ridden and hurt terribly. But there was no way I was going back to the dentist after hearing that message. I thought I would die if I did!

In December 2014, I started watching Destined To Reign, sometimes up to three times a day. I learned that I am the righteousness of God in Christ, and as Jesus is, so am I in this world. I also learned what it means when Jesus cried, “Finished!” on the cross, and how He had already taken my sins, condemnation, sicknesses, and unrighteousness.

After receiving all these revelations, I had the courage to visit the dentist five times last year and got my teeth fixed. During those visits, I even forgot that I once had fears about going to the dentist. Thank You, Jesus!

Reading my Bible used to be a chore for me. Today, I love it so much as I see Christ revealed in the Old Testament and His love poured out in the New Testament! Telling people about Jesus also used to be a chore before. Today, lifted by His grace, love, and His gift of no condemnation, no one can shut me up. I LOVE talking about Jesus! He truly works in believers both to will and to do for His good pleasure.

I have also been healed from physical exhaustion. Instead of panting like a dog after taking ten steps, I can now exercise like I used to. Moreover, I no longer carry a twenty-year burden of believing I’d committed the unpardonable sin and have even begun to pray in tongues.

Today, I am an entirely new creation in Christ and this transformation has nothing to do with my own efforts. It’s all because of what Jesus has done for me at the cross. Indeed, His strength is made perfect in my weakness.

Last but not least, God has blessed me in the area of finances. I am now an entrepreneur with business deals that literally fall into my lap. My sister has also received Christ and I know that my entire family is next.

God bless you and your church, Pastor Prince!

Toyin Obire
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