Praise Report

Freed From Depression, Anxiety, And Loneliness

Ever since I was a teenager, I struggled with deep depression, anxiety, and an overwhelming feeling of loneliness. Despite growing up in church, serving in multiple leadership positions, having close Christian friends, and great parents who loved me dearly, I felt that I was never good enough.

In the eyes of most people, I seemed perfect, but I knew that I wasn’t. I always felt I was letting God and my family down for not being perfect. I could never fulfill all the laws required to be a “perfect” Christian. At times, I even wondered if I was saved, even though I had a deep love for my Father God.

But the message of unconditional grace through Pastor Prince has completely changed my life. For the first time in my life, I have genuine joy and happiness. As I rest in Jesus’ finished work for me—without the need for me to be perfect in any way, shape, or form—Jesus is changing my heart in ways I never knew possible. Even though I still have certain issues to overcome, I’m beginning to see the effortless fruit of the Spirit springing forth in my life.

Now, life and love are genuinely becoming attractive to my soul as I rest in the unconditional grace of Christ. I love myself for the first time in my life. I always thought something was wrong with me, but now I know that in Christ I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I actually like who I am and I never knew that this was possible before.

Thank you, Pastor Prince, for boldly preaching the message of unconditional grace to the world.

TJ Mccarty
Alabama, United States
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