Praise Report

Freed From Drug Addiction After Understanding Righteousness

Pastor Prince, I want you to know how the gospel of grace has changed my life since the first time I heard you in 2006. I had been struggling with drug addiction for many years. Even after I was born again, I still found myself using drugs and then living in condemnation and guilt. I would read Hebrews 6 and 10, which seemed to talk about no forgiveness for those who sinned willfully, and feel like there was no hope for me. I had been “born again” so many times till I’d lost count.

Then one night, I heard your message titled, Jesus’ Gift Of Righteousness Has Made You An Heir Of The World. I realized that I was actually in a prison of righteousness! Just like all my good deeds could not make me righteous, so all my bad deeds could not make me unrighteous, because what Jesus did was much more powerful than what Adam did. I also realized that because I am under grace, sin no longer has dominion over me. Jesus has perfected me forever and cleansed me once for all! I am righteous, holy, and blameless because of the blood of Jesus!

Since receiving that revelation, I have been free from drugs and the ensuing condemnation. I have never used drugs again.

Thank you so much for being a faithful voice crying in the wilderness, “Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.” We have supported your ministry for many years and will continue as long as we are on earth.

Rachell Oberst
Washington, United States
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