Praise Report

Freed From Drug Addiction And Depression

I was addicted to marijuana for fifteen years and never believed I could stop the habit. I believed I needed it for the anxiety and depression that I faced. When I tried to stop the addiction through my own will, I would be tortured with sickness. I would always end up going back to the drug.

I had grown up attending many churches my whole life but I only knew of condemnation. In 2011, I asked the Lord to show me something real. When I switched on the television, a sermon by Pastor Prince was about to begin. I watched the sermon broadcast and my whole life changed after that.

After immersing myself in Joseph Prince’s sermons and submitting to God’s Word, I am free from the drug addiction, depression, and everything else that brought darkness into my life, including fear! I did not experience any sickness when trying to quit my drug habit. It was easier than anything that I had ever tried before, because I relied on the grace of Jesus and my authority as a believer!

I am so grateful to be free of the enemy’s slavery and lies! Jesus is my true Lord and Savior. My life has changed from hearing and learning the truth of God’s Word! Thank you, Pastor Prince!

California, United States
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