Praise Report

Freed From Emotional Hurts After Reading Destined To Reign

I was given your book, Destined To Reign, at a time when my heart was broken into a million pieces. I had moved back home to care for my Father, whose health was deteriorating with multiple diseases—diabetes, heart failure, kidney failure to name a few. I grew up in an abusive home, which resulted in painful and strained relationships in my family.

When the Lord placed in my heart their need for help, I asked the Lord, "Why me? I can't stand my father's ways!" However, I told Abba that although I didn't want to, I would do it only for Him. I cared for my parents for many, many years and sacrificed my life to care for my father, placing him before the needs of my young children and husband. I put my entire heart into it, praying for him, keeping him company when he was lonely.

My heart broke into a million pieces when my father turned his face away from me on his deathbed after a stroke. He couldn't talk and was dying quickly before us. He gave everyone in the family a smile, but whenever I went before him, he would turn his face away and stare straight at the wall in front of him. His smile would turn into a straight stern look whenever he saw me. I asked him to forgive me for anything I might have done to cause this and there was no reply from him.

During his funeral preparations, I couldn't even think straight. I couldn't believe that my father rejected me on his deathbed! I was totally broken. I couldn't breathe through the pain in my heart. I cried out to God, "What in the world just happened? How could he reject me on his deathbed like that! You told me to come back home to care for him and this is what I get?"

I clearly heard Abba say to me on the night of the service, "Keep your eyes focused on Me. Don't focus on what has happened. Look to Me. Focus on this: I am your real Father. Your father on earth was your temporary father. Forgive him his mistakes. Remember that I am your real Father. I will never forsake you or turn away from you. Dwell in My love for you"

That eased my pain and it took a while for the ache inside to subside. I held on to His love for me. I received your book Destined To Reign one and a half years after his death, and the tears of condemnation and guilt flowed with a healing release that I needed so much. The release was tremendous and I jumped for joy, cried my heart out for days, and felt His peace in my heart and life. I feel so free! Free from the weight of legalistic teachings, rejection and bondage. The weight that came off me when I finished your book was phenomenal. My heart was so light, so at peace.

All I can say is thank you for writing the book and praise Abba! Thank You, Jesus, for Your finished work on the cross! I claim every word, every blessing! I AM FREE FROM CONDEMNATION! YIPEE! Every day, I confess over my family and myself that I am greatly blessed, highly favored and DEEPLY LOVED! HALLELUIA! Bless you, your family and your ministry, Pastor Prince! Thank you for teaching the ultimate TRUTH which has set my heart free!

New Zealand
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