Praise Report

Freed From Legalism, Sharing Message Of Grace

I was delivered from a fourteen-year addiction to pornography when I accepted Christ as my Savior. However, I became trapped in the bondage of legalism as I was taught to live under the law instead of grace. I soon found myself trying to continually confess my sins in prayer in order to remain in a position of right standing with God. Because of my constant confessions, I could not enjoy having a conversation with God. I also started doing all the things I didn’t want to do.

One day, I was told that I needed to confess all my sins before I could attend a church service. A guest speaker was preaching that day and I was told that he was a prophet who would reveal all my unconfessed sins in front of everyone present. I was so scared I just kept confessing my sins all the while I was there. I was afraid that if I missed confessing one, he would reveal it to everyone during the service. I tried to hide my face when he was walking around so that he would not see me.

At the end of that night, I was just tired of being a Christian. I asked God, “Is this how I am supposed to live?” The following week, I felt an urge to listen to one of Pastor Prince’s messages. God began to reveal His amazing grace to me and I was able to walk out of the bondage of legalism.

Now, God is leading me to start a local church here in Richmond, preaching His amazing grace to everyone around here. I am thankful that God is using Pastor Prince to reveal His grace to so many people.

Joshua Preston
Virginia, United States
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