Praise Report

Freed from Marijuana Addiction Through Gospel of Grace

I came across this ministry in early 2015 while watching Christian television. Pastor Prince caught my attention, and I tuned in for several minutes before changing the channel. Soon after changing the channel, I felt this urge to tune back in. I am so grateful I did because my life has radically changed since then.

It’s been more than 6 years since I quit smoking marijuana. This was an addiction I could not break on my own. It finally came to an end after hearing the glorious gospel of grace.

The gift of righteousness and no condemnation are powerful truths that have set me free from an addiction I had since I was 16. This addiction was so powerful that I could not even quit while on probation for getting a DWAI (driving while ability impaired). Even with the threat of jail time for being unable to pass the urine analysis tests used to detect marijuana in my system, I continued to smoke marijuana. This led me to fail every urine analysis test my probation officer made me take.

The marijuana addiction had a stronghold on me, but praise our amazing Lord and Savior for what He has done for us through His finished work on the cross! I no longer wake up with a mind fog and the urge to immediately want to smoke marijuana.

There are not enough words to describe how this ministry has changed my life in all areas from family relationships to finances. I am just so grateful for what the Lord is doing through Pastor Prince. Thank you so much Joseph Prince Ministries!

Michael Bonney
Colorado, United States
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