Praise Report

Freed From Over Thirty Years Of Fear And Panic Attacks

As a very young girl, I had a lot of fear. I would wake up covered in sweat because I thought someone was standing over me, waiting to hurt me. When I turned eighteen, I watched a movie with my brother that showed a devil possessing and destroying a man. A spirit of fear took hold of me in a way I had never experienced before. I couldn’t eat or sleep; I was terrified. I even asked my brother and his wife if I could sleep on the floor in their room. The fear in me was beyond anything I can describe.

I went back home with my mom the next day and began having panic attacks. Apart from this, I had other family issues—my dad ran off with his secretary when I was sixteen, leaving my mom to work in a factory so she could support three (of six) children who were still dependents.

From age eighteen to fifty-six, I had panic attacks on and off. When I got married, my husband was my support system. There were some very dark nights for me when he had to go out to sea for the first eight years of our marriage. In my later years, wherever I went, my husband had to come with me. Without him, I would not go to church, grocery shopping, or anywhere at all. I felt I couldn’t function unless he was nearby.

One day, I was flipping through channels on television when I saw an Asian guy preaching. He caught my attention. I began to listen and WOW! I had not heard the message of grace taught from the Bible as Pastor Prince did. The way he broke down Bible verses made so much sense! Why had I not heard this before? It was life-changing for me. I recorded his daily program and listened to him morning, noon, and night. I would even turn on his messages when I went to sleep.

After a while, my thought processes began to change. The fear that constantly plagued me left. Praise God! Even my husband did not know how to act when I started to go to places by myself. This was after over thirty years of being so dependent on him. It took some adjusting for the both of us, but it was awesome.

I cannot put into words how grateful I am for the message of grace that the Lord showed Pastor Prince. I am so free in my mind and heart. I now know I am a daughter of an Almighty God and can allow Him to use me to touch others. I wish I could better express how my life has changed to truly represent how Jesus has healed me! I no longer take blood pressure medicine, have lost twenty-seven pounds, and enjoy playing with my grandchildren. Life is amazing!

Thanks again, Pastor Prince, for obeying our heavenly Father in the teaching of grace, and spending time to translate His Word in Hebrew and Greek. I cannot get enough of your teachings. I have over two hundred of your messages on my DVR. I want to delete some of them to free up space on my DVR but whenever I listen to any message, I’d say, “No, that one is too good.”

Thank you once again. I know God is blessing you abundantly, and I pray He continues to bless and grow your ministry!

Gwen Spiegel
Oklahoma, United States
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