Praise Report

Freed from Pornography and Alcoholism, Life Transformed

Pastor Prince, I’ve been a Christian since I was nine. I learned about God and loved Him with all of my heart, but I never lived a victorious life. I was addicted to pornography and used alcohol as my crutch for many years. I also lived promiscuously by looking for love in all the wrong places.

I always fell short and felt I had disappointed God. Whenever I made wrong choices, I would repent and desire to live right again. I would listen to sermons and promise myself to change. But my willpower failed time and time again, and I would return to the same bad habits.

In 2014, I came across your book The Power of Right Believing. When I read it, I felt God’s love all over me for the first time. I learned that I am righteous because Jesus is righteous, and that righteousness is a gift not acquired by my own works but freely received through faith in Jesus’ finished work. I began to believe that I am righteous in Christ and that my imperfections do not change my right standing before God.

As I read your book, my addiction to pornography, alcohol, and promiscuous living broke. It’s been more than two years since I was set free. Today, I’m secure in my Abba’s love and I can hardly recognize the person that I’ve become. Even my family members have noticed a huge change in me. All praise to God for all He has done in my life!

I want you to know that there is someone in Nairobi, Kenya, who is absolutely blessed by your ministry. I’ve watched your messages over and over on YouTube, and I get hold of your sermons almost every month. I also watch you on Trinity Broadcasting Network and Daystar Television almost every day. I’m continually growing in the knowledge of Jesus and I want more of Him in my life each day.

May the Lord Jesus Christ continue to use you to preach the gospel of grace to the ends of the earth.

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