Praise Report

Freed Living Under The Law And Fearing God’s Punishment

I am in Houston, Texas, writing this praise report as I prepare to return to Lakewood Church to hear you speak in person for the second time. I thank Jesus for bringing you to the United States.

I have flown to Texas from Maryland to hear you after listening to your message of grace for more than a year. Like many testimonies I’ve read on your website over the past year, your message was a message that I had never heard before although I grew up in the church. (I’m the daughter of two ministers and was born again more than 12 years ago.)

I had been trying to live by works, always with this fearful expectation that if I didn’t do everything right, God would punish me for it. And when I began struggling with sickness and financial problems a year ago, I was certain that it was God’s judgment because I had missed the mark.

So I started doing everything that I could to make things “right with God” so that He would heal me. But your message that the Father judges me not according to my works or my sins, but according to His perfect Son, Jesus, has really freed me. Learning that the God we serve is a loving Father who doesn’t want me to be sick anymore than I want to be sick, and that He in fact hates disease, is itself healing.

I listen to your podcasts and tapes daily and enjoy reading your Daily Grace Inspirations each morning. Although I’m still learning to let go of all the guilt and condemnation, through your teachings, I’m acutely aware that no matter what, Jesus loves me.

I’ve been sharing your message of grace with family and friends and was recently inspired to share your teachings and news of your visit to Lakewood with a friend, who joined me here for your first US speaking engagement. We were both tremendously blessed.

Thank you for helping to deliver me from the bondage of trying to live under the law and discovering a new found joy and peace through Jesus’ grace and love for me. God bless you, your family and your church.

Maryland, United States
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