Praise Report

Freed Of Fear, More Joyful and Healthy

There was a time fear had such a stronghold on my life that I had to take anti-anxiety medication regularly to get through each day. Because of the fear, I also stayed home much of the time.

I heard Pastor Joseph Prince preach from the book of Romans that fear had to do with punishment. The next morning, the Spirit revealed to me that Jesus took all my punishment on the cross so I didn’t have to be afraid. Since then, I have been doing well. I am now able to travel to places instead of staying home. I’m also doing things I was not able to do before.

I’ve found that the message of grace is the only answer in life that works. The finished work of Christ brings rest to my soul. I see that Jesus fulfilled the law fully to take the pressure off me and I can rest in His finished work. As I rest, I can live free to accept God’s love and love myself. I’ve found that when I look away from His finished work and focus on myself, I become drained and laden with condemnation and depression.

Pastor Prince, I am taping your broadcast daily. Your sermons have helped me to become more grounded in Jesus’ love, and to really know that because of Christ I am forgiven and righteous before the Father. As I continually renew my mind to these truths, I find that I am more joyful and healthier in my body. Thank you for being committed to teach the good news of grace. It makes all the difference in the quality of a believer’s life.

God is so good. His pure grace has brought freedom to my mind, body, and soul!

Dawn Lockwood
Tennessee, United States
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