Praise Report

Freed of Rare Skin Disease

I remember it was a summer 16 years ago when reddish nodules started growing on my lower legs. One grew every month or every 2 months. The nodules caused swelling, and my legs were aching.

My mother brought me to different doctors who prescribed me different antibiotics as they thought it was an infection. One doctor diagnosed me with panniculitis (inflammation of fatty tissues) and gave me medications to treat the swelling. But the nodules continued to appear, ascending to my knees. Some nodules faded but left dark marks and depressions.

I was insecure, depressed, and envious of other people because it seemed like I was the only one with the disease. I felt down whenever I thought of how I couldn’t swim, perform on stage, or do sports. It came to a point where I accepted that there was no cure for me and that I would just have this condition for life.

Despite my internal conflicts and struggles, I was able to finish college and had the opportunity to work as a nurse in my hometown in the Philippines and in the Middle East. Four years ago, just a few months after I started work in Saudi Arabia, I experienced a flare-up in when I had a sudden growth of about 10 nodules. That was the worst thing that ever happened to me. I was in total pain.

I consulted specialists and underwent a series of blood tests. I was so anxious and wanted all my questions answered. I was finally diagnosed with erythema nodosum (EN), a rare skin condition. In a way, I was happy to know what I had, but the doctors still did not know the cause.

What’s worse was that in the following year, I had cellulitis (a bacterial skin infection that can become severe). I don’t know how I got it, and it spread so fast in my lower legs. I took antibiotics for 2 weeks and was working 12 hours every day. Fortunately, I was able to recover from that infection. I was scared especially when I didn’t have relatives in Saudi Arabia but only a few friends to support me. Those days, I kept praying to God to help me and heal me as I still had to work to provide for my family.

About a month later, the nodules appeared again, this time on my thighs. Again, I felt down. I joined EN communities on social media just so I could tell someone else about my situation and ask for advice. While surfing the Internet at that time, I stumbled upon Joseph Prince’s site, and I started to listen to his sermons and watch his videos.

Hearing God’s words through Joseph Prince started to lift my spirits and strengthen my faith. What impacted me most was when he said in his sermon, “When you work, God rests, but when you rest, God works.” I applied this daily. I cast all my worries to God and stopped undergoing all those costly blood tests. I rested, focused on my daily goals, and lived normally.

Weeks later, the nodules started disappearing without me undergoing any treatment or taking any medication. Months passed. I ate all sorts of food, did different kinds of weight-bearing activities, and spent a lot of time walking but you know what? Not a single nodule grew on my legs! It’s been nearly 3 years, and I can say I am officially EN-free. I am very happy about it.

A lot of people would say you have to avoid certain foods, take certain medications, and avoid physical stress to treat EN. But what healed me was believing that God is my healer, and I don’t have to worry every day about my condition. I rested my thoughts and mind and simply allowed God to work.

Phebe Rose Janeo
United Kingdom

We are praying for you

If you are dealing with a health challenge today, we are believing with you for your breakthrough. But even as we stand in faith with you, we encourage you to practice faith WITH godly wisdom.

Please continue to consult your doctor about your condition and don’t throw away your medication or disregard any professional medical advice or diagnosis. We are praying for you, and look forward to hearing your praise report!

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