Praise Report

Freedom From Porn And Smoking Addictions, Life Getting Better

Pastor Prince, my wife and I came to learn about the grace of God in March 2012. Before we moved into our apartment, we would frequently catch your Destined To Reign broadcast that revealed a more loving and giving Jesus to us.

I was raised in church and felt truly loved by the Lord. Yet, I was exposed and bound to sins like smoking and pornography that I did not know how to be freed from. I had an unhealthy desire for these activities and continued in them even after I was married.

But it seemed like the more I spent time listening to your broadcast messages, the more I felt delivered. I somehow understood that Jesus would take my bondages away and I just had to keep my eyes on Him as you had taught. Not long after, I noticed that I could use my laptop and go online, and not be overcome by the temptation to look for porn. That is a great victory for me!

Your message, None Of Us, All Of Christ, is one that I held on to and rested in because it is the Word of God that my spirit bore witness with. The other is the teaching that rest is an inward posture and is not inactivity but Spirit-led activity.

During the time I was learning these truths, I was fired from my housekeeping job and had to go jobless for about a year and a half. Yet, the Lord raised up and gave me favor with a brother who helped me pay my bills until I could find employment!

I’ve recently started a new job at a plasma processing center and I have peace in my job. When I was unemployed, God took the desire to smoke cigarettes and marijuana away from me as well. God also restored our apartment back to us after a supposed eviction, healed me of a pulmonary embolism in both lungs, and my wife of an aneurysm!

Pastor Prince, your ministry is leading believers beside still waters and our souls are restored because of the revelation of God’s grace. God bless you, your family, and your ministry in Jesus’ name!

Linwood Jones
Virginia, United States
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