Praise Report

Friend Quits Bad Habits and Now Preaching True Gospel

Pastor Prince, your ministry has been blessing us since 2008 and we could not wait to hear you preach in person. In 2013, we were blessed to be able to attend your meeting in Newark.

While we sat waiting for the preaching to begin, we heard announcements on the availability of a 3-pack offer on your books, and I felt the Lord telling me to get it.

Before and during your meeting, I could not shake the thought of a Christian friend who had left church and gone back into drugs due to condemnation. The Lord very strongly urged us to give The Power of Right Believing book from the pack to him. So after returning home, we made sure our friend got the book through his daughter.

After Christmas that year, we were able to meet this friend at a birthday party. We had not seen him for years. He and his wife who were both addicted to drugs and cigarettes had gotten through most of The Power of Right Believing book. They were boasting about it and the revelations they were beginning to get.

Long story short, it did not take long before they were revived and delivered from condemnation, drugs, and smoking! We have also begun meeting regularly in our home to hear Pastor Prince’s messages, worship together, and partake of the Holy Communion.

Eventually, the Lord led my friend to become ordained as a pastor and he now leads a church in central Pennsylvania. My husband and I have prayed for years for the true gospel to be preached in our area. Who would have thought that God would use our friend to answer our prayer! All glory to Jesus!

Pastor Prince, as I sat listening to you preach in Newark in 2013, you spoke of the Grace Revolution spreading across America. You spoke about Jeremiah 23 and the Lord raising shepherds in these last days to preach His righteousness. As you were speaking that night, I believe the Lord was smiling at us, because He alone knew that the very book in my lap would help a captive soul to become free in grace and then become the foremost preacher of grace in central Pennsylvania!

Praying grace, mercy, and peace to you, your sweet family, and your church.

Sue Busche
Pennsylvania, United States
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