Praise Report

From Financial Lack To Being A Blessing To Others

My husband and I have been married for almost ten years. Two years ago, we were under crippling financial pressure from debts that nearly destroyed our marriage and lives. In fact, it caused me to have a medically certified nervous breakdown.

We were trying to service a home loan, student loans, school fees, car payments, and living expenses on one wage. My husband was a full-time student, my daughter was in school, and I was the only one who worked full-time. By the time I paid out our weekly bills, we would only have about $30 left. We were hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt with only a minimum wage income to fight the creditors. It was like standing in a hurricane, with only a rain hat to stay dry. In the natural, it was hopeless.

There were days we couldn’t even send our daughter to school because we had no food for her lunch box. Every day, we lived in despair and emotional trauma. We dreaded each day because it was full of defeat. We tried every formula we knew—fasting, prayer meetings, serving, anything and everything. Although I had known God for over thirty years, deep in my heart, I was angry at Him for not rescuing us.

I cried to God one day, saying that I could not get a promotion in my workplace and that I had no business skills. My husband was also calling out to the Lord about our situation as he was a full-time student and was unable to work at this time. But we always paid our tithes throughout it all.

Then, we were introduced to your television broadcast by some friends. We listened and listened for months before we felt enough courage to trust God again. We believed you when you said that God loved us through everything and in every way. We believed you when you told us how to see Jesus in the Bible. We believed you when you taught us how to apply the finished work of the cross into our lives.

We went to God and pressed in on Him for a revelation in our hearts and spirits. We recorded your programs on television and watched them over and over. Slowly, we noticed that we were thinking differently, believing differently, acting differently, treating people and ourselves differently, and getting different results.

We kept seeing Jesus in everything. We kept experiencing God’s demonstrations of His love toward us, in our emotions, in our hearts, in our dreams, and in every area of our lives. GOD LOVES US. We spent every spare moment listening to the revelations that you shared on television, and then we took the scriptures and believed them with a great expectation of God’s love for us.

We spent less time convincing God that we loved Him and spent more time telling our spirits that God unconditionally loves us. We began making decisions out of God’s approval for us, instead of making decisions out of our fear of Him if we got it wrong. How our lives have turned around!

Today, we are completely debt-free. We have no mortgage. We fully own our home. We fully own our car, motorbike, and truck. We don’t owe any school fees. We totally own everything and have been blessed, so we can be a blessing to others.

We have been given the opportunity to bless people, to feed people, to pay other children’s school fees. God totally and completely turned our lives around!

Little by little, we opened our hearts back up and soon grabbed, with all our might, the revelation that our Father God loves us. We had been blaming God all this time, when all He wanted to do was set us free and show us His greatness.

I am still not a businesswoman, our daughter is still in school, and my husband still studies. Technically, everything is still the same. The difference is that now, everything we touch, and do, and say is from a revelation of His LOVE for us.

We thank God for you, Pastor Prince, and your ministry, for the time you invest into God’s people. Thank you for the emails we receive each day and for your program on television. Our spirits, our emotions, and our minds were restored when we listened to God’s message of love through your ministry. God bless you!

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