Getting Better Benefits And Receiving More For Each Paycheck
I started a new job working part-time. We were short-staffed in summer and so I volunteered to work an additional day each pay period. When summer was over, I asked to have this additional day made permanent in my work schedule as this would change my status from part-time to full-time and I’ll get to pay less out-of-pocket expenses for my benefits.
My request was granted within a month of application, even though I was told initially that it would take three to four months. Today, we received the sign-up sheet for benefits in 2013. The company had changed the structure for part-time benefits and because it was changed, I now receive $100 more each paycheck!
This reminded me of what Joseph Prince had said, “You don’t have to fear for your future because Jesus is in your present, working out good to prepare you for the future!”
Minnesota, United States