Praise Report

Getting Life Back Together By His Grace

I was in a bus accident on June 23, 2011. Thinking back, it was the hand of God that saved me. I remember shouting, “Don’t turn over, don’t turn over, don’t turn over,” when we were hit by the other vehicle. I said it three times before the bus came to a complete stand still.

I broke my hip and back and was hospitalized with multiple injuries. My right hip got replaced a few months later. Praise the Lord. But as soon as I was back on my feet, I went back to my old lifestyle of drinking with friends.

I totally forgot about my family and the trauma that my wife and two sons had gone through. My life was all about me and I didn’t even think again about God’s grace that saved me. I just thought to myself, “What for? I am fine.”

On September 2, 2012, I had a heart attack. It happened just one day before an operation scheduled for my back. Doctors told me that my veins had popped, causing irregular blood flow and blood clots. This was actually caused by the bus accident, but nobody had picked it up on any of the scans.

I spent sixteen days in hospital and all I could do was think. Boy, did I have enough time to think! In this space of time, I really got my act together. Not only did I realize that God had given me a second chance, I also realized how much my family meant to me. I was a total mess and knew that God wanted me to get my life together. I know I was, and is, His child, and the fact that I am still alive is only by His grace.

The best was yet to come. Back at home, I made things right with my wife and sons, confessing that I was a total mess and asked them to forgive me. My oldest son, Tian, asked if he could introduce me to somebody. I thought somebody was coming to visit. Instead, he took me to the television and switched it on to channel 341 on Trinity Broadcasting Network.

Somebody was preaching on that channel and when I asked my son who the preacher was, he said, “Meet Joseph Prince, Dad.” Wow, did that change my life!

I started listening to Pastor Prince’s teachings and slowly started to learn about the full meaning of God’s grace. Today, I know that besides meeting my Savior Jesus Christ, this was a friendship meant to be. I have read some of Pastor Prince’s books, including The Power of Right Believing. I also bought his CDs to listen to in the car while travelling. And you know what, I now feel safe whenever I travel because Jesus travels with me.

The grace of God changed my life. I love Jesus and know He first loved me. He gave me back my family and my life. And I believe He will heal me completely because the Bible says that by His stripes, I am healed (Isaiah 53:5).

We have started to partake of the Holy Communion together as a family. I study the Bible in the mornings and evenings, because God opens His Word to me through His Spirit. I actually enjoy it so much—it’s something I can’t truly explain.

All praise to the Almighty God who blesses my family and me with His grace. I am truly thankful that God saved me. I am the righteousness of God in Christ. I am the beloved son of God in whom He is well pleased. I am the disciple whom Jesus loves. I am highly favored in the Beloved. As Jesus is, so am I in this world. THANK YOU, LORD!

Thank you, Pastor Prince, for your teachings on the grace of God. As a teacher, I can now teach the children in my school about the grace of God. Best of all, they see the change in me and I tell them it is all about Jesus. Amen!

God bless you and your family.

Francois Oberholzer
South Africa
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