Praise Report

Glorious In Christ, Having Perfect, Blameless Beauty In Him!

My family and I attend a church in Alabama where I have served as an intercessor for the past 10 years.

In those years, I led our “deliverance” ministry and wrote a deliverance Bible study. I led 15 deliverance conferences in conjunction with the Bible Study, and trained and built a team of about 300 ministers. I also coordinated our prayer ministry of hundreds of intercessors and led many meetings that were billed as “Holy Spirit encounters”. I wrote our prayer curriculum, and I have been considered an “expert” on prayer and spiritual warfare in our church. By all accounts, I was successful in ministry. Many lives were changed. The testimonies were absolutely amazing.

So how and why did I become so discontented, so frustrated? I was stirred to the point of almost exploding. I met with my pastor countless times trying to figure out what was wrong with me. I was ready to pass the ministry on to someone else and do something else.

Then, it happened. An encounter with the Lord like I never had. In July 2010, I was on the beach walking and praying after listening to one of your CD messages. I did not know about you previously but a friend had shared some of your sermons with me. Normally, I wouldn’t have listened to these CDs as people are always giving me stuff to listen to or read and I never “have time” for them. But God had another plan and I listened to your message of grace.

I had never heard this revolutionary teaching before. So much of what you said is what we say in church but for me it was different. Very different. I was in the habit of praying what we call the “tabernacle prayer format”. It’s a method of praying where you start at the “gate” and end up in the “holy of holies”. Lots of repentance, asking for forgiveness and praying things like, “Search me and know my heart, Lord. Let me know if there is any wicked way in me.”

After listening to the message on grace, my eyes were beginning to open to this marvelous revelation of the gospel. I asked the Lord, “Where is the moment of encounter with the Spirit of grace in the tabernacle prayer format?” I could sense the presence of the Lord walking with me on the beach and I heard Him say, “Start at the brazen altar.” I did that.

I saw my sin being punished in the body of Jesus. I saw the enormity of His sacrifice, the absoluteness of God’s forgiveness. I was touched more deeply than ever before as I let this truth penetrate my heart. I said, “Lord, is this it? Is this the encounter with grace?” He said, “No, go on to the laver.”

I started my routine “approach-the-laver-prayer”: “Search me and know my heart and...” The Lord said, “STOP praying that, and just look down in the bowl.” I shut up and looked down and was blown away at what I saw. It was the most pivotal moment of my entire life.

As I looked down through the water into the mirrors of the laver, I saw perfected, blameless beauty. I was glorious in Christ. I was speechless. “But Lord, (and I motioned back to the brazen altar), but Lord! Look at all my sin! This can’t be!” He smiled at me. I looked at Him and I said, “I don't deserve this. This can’t be right. I love You, Lord.”

All of a sudden, all the pressure was off. No more “HAVE to”. All the need for man’s approval, all the exhaustion, the “do-do-do” mentality, the need to please the Lord. All of that was FALLING OFF my shoulders! He was pleased with me and had been all along!

I will not go back to my former ministry of teaching people how to be a better Christian. Instead, I will unveil Jesus. I will teach the gospel of grace. I am completely starting over. One week from today, I am beginning a Bible study called, Unveiling Jesus, for women.

Pastor Prince, I want to thank you for your commitment to consistently preach the gospel of grace. There are no words to tell you how much I appreciate you. Thank you, Pastor Prince, from the bottom of my heart.

Alabama, United States
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