Praise Report

Good Grades Come By Resting In Jesus' Finished Work

In 2006, every time I took my semester examinations, I would fail three to four subjects out of six. And I would have to take supplementary examinations. This continued till the second semester in my third year.

During my fourth year, I came across Joseph Prince's teachings and from then on, I started listening to his weekly broadcasts regularly. I came to know the TRUTH, which is the gospel of GRACE.

During the first semester of my fourth year, when my examinations started, the first thing I would do was REST in the finished work of Jesus Christ, as Pastor Prince teaches. And I would just enjoy His LOVE while taking all my examinations.

On 3 January, when I saw my results, I passed all six subjects in one attempt with a score of "59.06%". What I could not achieve from 2006, I achieved by the "gospel of Grace", because as we know from the Bible, "You shall know the truth and the truth will set you free". Finally, I came to know the truth, the GOSPEL OF GRACE. I give all the glory to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Thank you.

Bharath KumarAvunuri
Hyderabad, United States
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