Praise Report

Grace Changed My Parents And Me

My family and I have been listening to your messages since we first heard about you in 2008. We came from a church that was very legalistic and we were very law-conscious. I used to remember that when I was a kid, I was afraid of my dad because he was ex-Navy Seal, very strict about rules and always stressed out and angry. I never had a real relationship with my dad when I was a kid.

I was taught that my salvation and blessings were dependent on my ability to obey God. I strived to obey Him but never got close to succeeding. I always thought that He was angry with me because of my mistakes and sins, and that I never deserved anything good from Him. I literally never asked Him for anything because I was so afraid that He would strike me with a lightning bolt for being so bold.

Changes started to happen when my dad encountered God’s grace, love and goodness back in the 1990s. Though my parents started changing because of God’s grace, love and goodness, I never understood it fully. I went through my high school and college years thinking the same way that I did when I was a child. It was until I had a personal encounter with Jesus Christ that I finally began to understand who He really is.

After leaving our former church, we moved to several churches but my dad always left because of the teachings. He said, “You cannot compromise the gospel. You cannot mix grace and law.” We finally settled in a church near us that preaches God’s grace.

We heard about your ministry in 2008 and started listening to your messages. “I have never heard the gospel being preached like that before,” I thought to myself. I started seeing myself as the righteousness of God through Jesus Christ and this truth impacted my life greatly.

I forgot to mention, back in college, I was a computer addict. I even stole money from my parents to fund my addiction. But when I started listening to your messages about God’s love and mercy toward me, and learned that my sins were already punished at the cross on Jesus, and that God forgives me despite all my mistakes, the addiction just left!

Now, the passion I had for computer games has been changed to a passion for touching, via the Internet, people’s lives with your messages of grace and hope. I have experienced tremendous favor wherever I go. I remember that at work, my boss wanted me to become the next QA (quality assurance) officer even though there were others who were more qualified than me. Another time, sore-eyes broke out in the office but I was not affected.

I praise and thank God for raising preachers and teachers like you. I believe that God will continue to prosper you and your family and keep you healthy and whole for the coming years. Grace and peace be multiplied to you once more! Hallelujah! Praise the name of Christ Jesus!

Robert Busalla
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