Praise Report

Growing In The Love Of God And Seeing Miracles

Growing up with two parents who love the Lord, I have been blessed to be raised from birth to know Jesus as my Savior.

One day, my parents gave me a DVD of one of Pastor Prince’s messages to listen to. I had never listened to any pastor on TV nor had I ever desired to, but I praise God every day that I chose to take a chance and listen to what God had to say to me through Pastor Prince.

I count the day I sat down and watched that first Pastor Prince DVD as the first day of my Bible school education and it has absolutely transformed my life! I immediately went and purchased a DVD recorder to ensure that I never missed a broadcast. I currently have more than 142 full one-hour DVD sermons and 56 sermons on CD that I continually lend to friends and family to change their lives just as they have mine!

The revelations that Pastor Prince shares in each sermon have caused me to fall so in love with my Jesus. It’s the only thing I can talk about nowadays!

I have a journal full of amazing God stories, sometimes six in a day’s entry! People have come into my life and asked me to pray for them, and God is continually, day in and day out, showing me how willing and able He is to accomplish His promises in the lives of His children! I am so humbled every day that a 32-year-old mother of two little girls can have a ministry that is truly changing people’s lives with His truth!

I’ve seen many healing miracles but what blesses me more when I pray for people are the opportunities to share with them the TRUTH in such a way that it is uniting people.

What you’ve taught me, Pastor Prince, about the Hebrew and Greek meanings of certain words in the Bible, has triggered a hunger in me to learn, grow and share the original, God-inspired version of the Bible with everyone I meet. The entries in my journal just keep going, and every time I sit and look through the awesome things that God is doing in my life, there are truly no words to describe the gratitude I feel.

Who am I that He should be mindful of me? Who am I that He should pour out His love on me like this? And then I realize…I’m His little girl. He gave up His Son so that He will never have to give up on me. He loved me that much. And I am forever grateful to you, Pastor Prince, for being willing to obey His prompting to start broadcasting your sermons for the world to see. Your message has changed my life and I’m going to spend the rest of my life making sure that it changes the rest of the world. God bless you all!

Lisa Stoll
Wisconsin, United States
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