Praise Report

Healed Of Asthma

I grew up having asthma. As a result, I was sidelined from intense sports. I was fearful whenever I suffered an asthma attack as I had heard stories of how people had died from asthma attacks. In my teenage years, the doctors told my mother that if I were to have asthma till the age of sixteen, I would have it for the rest of my life. By the time I was eighteen, I was still getting asthma attacks.

Although I loved the Lord and had been serving Him since a young age, I had an ungodly fear toward Him. I thought that perhaps God was punishing me with asthma. But I would still pray and ask God to heal me. I was very confused!

When I turned eighteen, I left home to study in another state in Malaysia. There, I was introduced to Pastor Prince’s message of grace. I listened to it for a few months and finally, it dawned on me that God loves me despite my wrong believing. And not only did He love me, He let His Son die for all my sins. It also dawned on me that Daddy God did not put asthma on me to punish me because His Son, Jesus, had already been punished on the cross for my sake and had taken my asthma away. With this revelation, I prayed and asked God to heal me of asthma.

Since that prayer, the enemy tried to instill fear in me by telling me that God had not healed me. The enemy would put asthmatic symptoms on me and would tempt me to use the inhaler. But I kept declaring that “by His stripes I was healed.” I did not deny the fact that asthma was there but I denied its right to hurt me. Just before I turned twenty-two, I suddenly found myself completely free from the symptoms of asthma.

Today, I am a qualified fitness instructor in Australia. I am no longer deprived of being physically active because of asthma. In fact, during one of our fitness training sessions, I got to share my testimony.

All glory and praise be unto our Lord Jesus.

Ruth Chai Njiino
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