Praise Report

Healed Of Chronic Bowel Disease

About eight years ago, I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis (a form of inflammatory bowel disease).

As I had difficulty keeping the flare-ups under control, I had to be hospitalized. I was also given multiple drugs and steroids to suppress the condition as there is no known cure.

Once, I cried and shouted out at God for not healing me. I told Him I didn’t know what else to do to receive my healing. I even tried to “give up” on God and told Him I didn’t want to believe in Him anymore.

The funny thing is, whenever I tried turning away from Him, He would remain in my mind. I would even say, “God, leave me alone.” But God never left me and has never stopped loving me.

I continued going through some rough times while trying many different types of medication. These included natural remedies that cost thousands of dollars. This went on for many years until I learned how to rest in the Father’s love through Pastor Prince’s preaching.

I have been listening to Pastor Prince’s messages ever since I was diagnosed with my condition. Over time, I learned that God is my heavenly Father and He loves me very much. His grace in my life is a gift and there is nothing I can do to earn or lose it. I also learned how Jesus’ finished work on the cross has accomplished everything I need, including my healing. Meditating on these truths filled me with complete joy and peace.

In June 2015, I had another colonoscopy to look at the extent of the disease. The specialist could not find any evidence of the disease or damage! It was also during that month that I heard Pastor Prince's message where he declared 2015 to be the year of God’s restoration. That was when I suddenly realized I had not been experiencing any symptoms over the last six months! All praise to our amazing Father and His Son’s finished work!

My eyes have finally been opened to the amazing grace of our Lord through His finished work. I now live worry-free, happy, and trusting in my heavenly Father’s goodness. What an AMAZING way to live!

God bless you, Pastor Prince, for preaching the grace message.

Bruce Jelley
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