Praise Report

Healed Of Recurring Urinary Tract Infection

Since June 2012, I had suffered from severe and frequent urinary tract infections (UTI). I would get them once every month. Sometimes, it got so bad that I would pass blood in my urine. I was on several types of medication. Even antibiotics could not help with my infections. I dreaded these episodes of pain.

I was fearful when the doctors told me I might have to go through a procedure to check if I had a cyst. Every time I had the infections, I thought that the Lord was disciplining me as a result of some sins I had committed. I begged and cried for healing.

Toward the end of 2014, I came across teachings about the finished work of Jesus on the cross. Further searches in March 2015 led me to Pastor Prince’s teachings, which I listened to.

At the end of March 2015, I experienced the worse UTI ever. It was so painful that I thought something was really wrong with me. However, as I listened to Pastor Prince’s teachings, I learned that God is for me and not against me. He is not out to punish me and the UTIs were not from Him.

I learned to rest in His finished work on the cross. I did not need to earn my healing and my part was just to receive my healing.

Since April 2015, I have not had another bout of UTI. I can only say that this is the Lord’s doing for me. I feel free, healed, and I am in love with my Savior.

Thank you, Pastor Prince, for your ministry.

Vernica Barretto
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