Praise Report

Healed Of Sharp Lower Back Pain

I’ve been watching Pastor Prince for almost two years now. On May 18, 2016, I watched a YouTube video titled, Joseph Prince Prays for the Sick During Servers’ Retreat. Pastor Prince, while praying in tongues, said there was someone with sharp pain in the lower back near the tailbone.

At that time, I had been experiencing sharp lower back pain for more than five months. I’d prayed and believed for healing but nothing changed. I felt discouraged and began using different tools and attempting spine exercises to improve my condition but they did not help.

As I watched the video, I was reminded about another sermon teaching on the woman who received her healing just by touching Jesus’ garments. In my heart, I knew that Jesus wanted to heal me. But as I began to pray with Pastor Prince, negative thoughts arose: “The video was at least five years old. How can I receive the healing when I was not even there?”

Despite these thoughts, I declared that I believe Father God loves me and wanted me to watch the video to heal me. I leaned over to test my back just as the other people in the video were doing. I still felt a slight pain but I declared in Jesus’ name that my healing had already taken place. I also chose to believe that His healing power could not be limited by time and space. Then, I reached out in faith again to touch my television screen and discovered that all the pain in my entire lower back was gone! I bent down, did a few twists, and bounced around—and there was no pain!

I received my healing miraculously by simply believing that God loves me and wants me healed. Thank you, Pastor Prince, for sharing the grace of our Lord Jesus. God bless you and your ministry.

John Hill
California, United States
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