Health, Finances, and Marriage Transformed by God’s Grace
More than 15 years ago, I encountered the grace message and began partnering with Joseph Prince Ministries. The message assured me that every barrier between me and God was removed at the cross, granting me bold access to His presence.
I realized I had already been blessed with every spiritual blessing, and as I meditated on God’s Word, my external life began to be transformed. Over the years, my life has effortlessly changed from glory to glory as the Lord has consistently reminded me of His easy yoke and light burden.
Now, at almost 70, I can confidently say my physical and mental health have improved greatly. I’ve lost 40 pounds without dieting and have taken no medication for years. I’ve seen $50,000 of debt miraculously cleared, and now I live completely debt-free. Seven years ago, God blessed me with an incredible wife beyond anything I could have imagined. His Word has proven faithful in every area of my life.
Proverbs 4:18 says, “But the path of the righteous is like the light of dawn that shines brighter and brighter until the full day.”
California, United States