High Fever Broke After Taking Holy Communion
Late 2010, my husband became very ill—high fever and severe headaches. I sent an email asking all of you to agree with me in prayer for his healing. Also, I had just finished reading Pastor Prince's book, Health And Wholeness Through The Holy Communion.
Through the broadcasts, which I watch daily, and through reading Pastor Prince's books, the finished work of the cross became REAL to me. I believe the work is finished. The love of our heavenly Father is also becoming more real to me every day.
Well, I took the Holy Communion with my husband. Then, for several days, I took it alone because he just wasn't able to. I am proud to report that the fever broke after a few days and after about another week of resting, he was better than before!
God is so awesome. I thank all of you for your prayers and I thank Pastor Prince for his amazing teachings! It truly is life-giving and life-changing!
Los Angeles, United States