Praise Report

Highly Favored With New Home And Dream Job

I just want to share the goodness of God in my life.

One day, my daughter mentioned that the only way I would ever move closer to her is if God sent someone knocking on my door to buy my house. That very afternoon, a couple wanted to look at my house even though it wasn’t officially listed for sale!

The couple came by to view the house and within five minutes, they decided to buy it along with most of my furniture. The Lord knew I had concerns about moving my heavy furniture! A week later, my car was also sold almost immediately after I had it listed on Craig’s list.

Once I’d moved, I looked for a teaching position. Four weeks later, I was offered a position in a Christian school. I was offered to teach Math, something I had always wanted to do. The school’s headmaster was also from the same state I had just moved from!

Getting the job was like a dream come true for me. I’d always wanted to start a Christian school in the area I was living in previously, but never had the opportunity. I had even written down a plan and a name for the school. The amazing thing is that the Christian school where I’m to teach has the same name!

Prior to receiving all these blessings, I’d already been watching Joseph Prince on television, listening to his CDs and reading his materials for several years. Reading both Destined To Reign and Unmerited Favor were turning points for me in deepening my knowledge of my Lord’s powerful love for me.

I think the biggest thing I have applied to my heart is that I am greatly blessed, highly favored and deeply loved. I try to declare these words over my life and my loved ones every day. The other thing that has given me new insight is how we can rest in Jesus, and not have to “work” for His blessings.

For most of my life, I had always strived to be better in every area of my life. I have been a Christian since I was a child but have been taught erroneously that I had to be good to receive from the Lord the desires of my heart. So learning to rest in Jesus and His favor was a powerful turning point for me.

I have truly seen how God moves in my life with His favor. I have been trusting and believing the Lord for years for these positive things to take place, and my God put me in the right place at the right time and caused these blessings to come to pass! My Lord is so good and I love Him so much! I am His beloved!

Pamela Miller
Alabama, United States
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