Praise Report

Huge Bill Paid, No More Unemployed, Healthier And Stronger Than Before

Over a year ago, I was going through a difficult season and was beyond discouraged. My family and I had been wanting to move for some time, but we were struggling financially and I was out of a job. On top of that, we were suffering from various medical conditions.

I would often take down a picture of the Lord Jesus from my wall and touch it and cry. I thought about how I had been a Christian for so long but was still living such a defeated life. Even though I knew I had full access to the Lord as a believer, I felt so alone and disconnected from Him. Something was missing and I didn’t know how to find it.

My family stopped attending church and had little fellowship with other believers. The teachings we had received confused us more than helped us. The last time we heard a sermon, we were taught that Jesus would punish and forsake us if we continued to sin. I began to believe I was in some serious trouble as I was imperfect in so many ways. It didn’t help that I grew up with an abusive father and the thought of my heavenly Father being like him terrified and devastated me.

Because of the wrong believing, I was constantly going back and forth trying to figure out who the Lord was. Could He have left our family to fend for ourselves since we were unable to live up to His standards?

Despite the internal torment I was going through, I still felt deep within my heart that Jesus loves me and would never forsake me. One day, I cried out to the Lord for help. Sometime later, I found Pastor Prince’s television broadcast while channel surfing. The Lord told me to be still and to find His blessings by listening to Pastor Prince’s teachings.

As I had been led down a road of law and self-condemnation for a long time, I was shocked to hear about God’s blessings for His children through Pastor Prince’s broadcast. Nevertheless, I could feel the chains in my life break off one by one with each truth that he shared.

Pastor Prince also gave an illustration about a young eagle that thought of itself as a chicken. But when it realized its true identity, it took wings and soared into the sky, instead of remaining low on the ground with other chickens. I felt like that liberated eagle when I learned about my true identity in Christ.

I also began to declare, “I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus!” in every situation, and shared this truth with my husband and son. Living under grace has allowed us to soar in life and opened a floodgate of God’s blessings. For example, a casual conversation led to the sale of our home and that helped to pay off a huge bill.

Through another divine appointment, we connected with relatives who welcomed us to live with them as we got our new home ready. I also found a job without applying for one and my husband was offered freelance work without seeking it. Not only that, we are healthier and stronger than we have ever been, and have even found a grace-filled church.

Today, I am joyful and happy knowing it is my Father’s good pleasure to give me the abundant life that He has purchased for me at the cross. He has removed the scales from my eyes and I no longer wonder about His heart of love and goodness toward me.

I have gotten hold of Pastor Prince’s books, Destined To Reign, The Power of Right Believing, and Unmerited Favor. I have just finished reading the first one and have been blown away learning about God’s mercy, grace, and love for me. It feels great! And it feels awesome to be a child of the King of kings!

Thank you, Pastor Prince, for your ministry of grace and truth.

Laurie Oakes
Kentucky, United States
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