Praise Report

Husband Delivered from End-Stage Lung Cancer

About a year and a half ago, my husband was diagnosed with terminal, end-stage lung cancer, which had metastasized. According to the doctor, there was no hope of recovery, and all they could do was try and keep him alive for as long as possible.

My husband wasn’t a Christian at the time, but praise God, a few days after his diagnosis and having seen that my relationship with God gave me so much peace, he gave his heart to the Lord Jesus Christ.

I immediately got hold of Joseph Prince’s Healing Promises, Eat Your Way to Life and Health, and The Healing Power of the Holy Communion. Each day, we partake of the Holy Communion together, pray, and read a passage from the Bible and a page from the books.

My husband underwent chemotherapy and immunotherapy every 3 weeks even as we kept believing God for a healing miracle. I anointed my husband with oil every day. Every 6 weeks, he had a scan. Each scan showed that the tumor was stable. It wasn’t growing or spreading.

That was good news, but I kept reminding God that we wanted healing news. We continued to pray His Word back to Him and reminded Him of all the healings Jesus did. We told the Lord we wanted His report, not the doctor’s. We did not allow ourselves to listen to “what if” statements. We spoke life over my husband. God had given me John 11:4, which I held on to and reminded Him of almost daily.

Praise God, we found out that my husband’s recent scans had shown no signs of cancer or metastasis. We give all the honor, praise, and glory to our almighty God!

Lorraine Pahladsingh

We are praying for you

If you are dealing with a health challenge today, we are believing with you for your breakthrough. But even as we stand in faith with you, we encourage you to practice faith WITH godly wisdom.

Please continue to consult your doctor about your condition and don’t throw away your medication or disregard any professional medical advice or diagnosis. We are praying for you, and look forward to hearing your praise report!

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