Praise Report

Husband Taking Rightful Place As Head Of Family After Reading <em>Unmerited Favor</em>

I was given your book (Unmerited Favor) by a family friend and I must admit that I only started reading it a few months ago due to the fact that I have four other books to read.

I loved the first page in which you gave all the credit to our Lord Jesus and that spurred me to read on. I got really excited about a chapter so I called my best friend to read it to her. My husband who heard our conversation became a little interested.

The Lord is always on time. I have been praying for my husband for years. He is a very wonderful father, a very attentive and supportive husband. He has a wonderful spirit and a sense of humor. He always supports all that I do in church but he has never led our family spiritually as the head of the home. I have always led my family and I shared with him that this is not biblical as he is the head of our home. It is his right but those pleas fell on deaf ears.

My hubby does not read. I bought him a Bible a few years ago and he barely opened it. But when he picked up Unmerited Favor, he could not put it down. He was reading it at every opportunity, even staying up till 2am. He has completed the book and is now the proud owner of a new Bible.

He has written to you and my daughter is a follower on Twitter. We as a family marvel at how the Lord has used your book to allow my husband to take his rightful place as the spiritual head of our home. We are truly grateful to you. There is such a difference in him, a light that is aglow from within. We have watched the DVD, See The Father’s Love For You, and are currently listening to your five-CD audio pack as well. Be blessed as you are a blessing to us.

Mille Rathinam
South Africa
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