Praise Report

Impacted By Jesus’ Love, Experience Grace In Every Area

Pastor Prince, I was introduced to your book, Unmerited Favor, by my good friend. After reading the introduction from a copy I’d borrowed from my local library, I realized it contains revelations on Jesus that were missing in my spiritual walk.

I decided to get my own personal copy for my morning prayer and study sessions. The revelations of Jesus in Unmerited Favor are so powerful. Each morning, I was being loosed and set free from all manner of strongholds and oppressions. I couldn’t believe what I was reading! I looked up every scriptural reference as I read and verified all of the translations you cited. I have to admit, my intellect was slightly provoked. I couldn’t believe that the Holy Spirit was confirming what you’ve written as TRUTH!

Before reading this book, I knew Jesus loved me because the Bible tells me so. However, I couldn’t see Him anywhere but historically in the Gospels. I didn’t have intimacy with Him because I’d never received a full understanding of His finished work.

I have since read Destined To Reign twice and I am on my third round with Unmerited Favor. I want to squeeze every drop of knowledge, grace and revelation out of each book and soak every revelation in them into my spirit. I do the same with your sermons. I listen to each one until I practically have them memorized. They are so full of Jesus that the Holy Spirit reveals new things to me every time. I was simply not aware that I could have this rich and beautiful relationship with my Lord.

Have I received God’s favor since? Yes. Have I received financial blessings and physical healing? Most certainly. But the most wonderful miracle to me is that my 11-year-old son is being raised in the holy of holies! He is taught by Jesus and his revelation and reception of the Lord’s love for him is tremendous. He even loves to listen to your sermons when he sleeps.

I felt I needed to share Unmerited Favor with every one of my friends because it is so full of Jesus-based principles for living. So I began purchasing the book and passing it out along with a New King James Version Bible. I encouraged those who received the book to look up the scriptural references for themselves. I would say, “Don’t take my word for it. Don’t take Pastor Prince’s word for it. Look it up for yourself and take God’s word for it.”

These ladies of grace are casting symptoms out of their bodies, overcoming depression, receiving financial breakthroughs—you name it, we’re doing it! We are officially part of the Grace Revolution!

Pastor Prince, I know you must hear it all the time, but your teaching has changed my life! You bring life to the history of the Bible in a way that engages your audience. More importantly, I have been experiencing Jesus’ love for me in a way that I never dreamed possible. It only gets better and better.

We will be traveling to New Jersey from Delaware to see you on November and already have several copies of your new book pre-ordered. We thank God for your safe travel to and from Singapore, and as you share the gospel all over the United States.

Sandra Stephenson
Delaware, United States
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