Praise Report

Improvement in Physical Appearance Better Body Image And Grades

In 2010, the training I had to undergo as a hockey player and my unhealthy eating habits made me larger in physique than other girls my age. Naturally, I did not like how I looked and I became very self-conscious. I tried to go on a diet, but not only was it tiring and difficult, I saw no results. Finally, I gave up trying and cried out to God.

Then one Sunday, I heard Pastor Prince preach on the power of right believing and speaking our desires into our lives. From that day on, I started to confess that I am righteous, beautiful, and fearfully and wonderfully made. I even stood in front of the mirror and spoke to myself, confessing that I was slim, toned, and at my desired weight. Gradually, my appetite started to change. I starting choosing healthier food options and I even started to like exercise again. It felt so restful. And after a year and a half, I lost nine kilograms.

Moreover, during this period of transformation, my grades also improved and I topped the class. I do not know how it happened because I never studied as much as my other classmates did. I just paid attention in class and I found that I always understood what was being taught.

Even though I faced challenges with my peers, Jesus was with me and He turned my time of loneliness into a time of deep intimacy with Him. Truly, I was never alone even though I was physically by myself.

Finally, I know that the success that Jesus has given me over my weight, unlike my efforts at strict dieting, will continue because since it was Jesus who gave me the success, He will be faithful to maintain it.

Thank you, Pastor Prince, for preaching the grace of God! All glory to the ever faithful and loving God!

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