Increment In Salary After Resting In Jesus’ Finished Work
Last year, I prayed to the Lord for financial freedom. Then, I heard Pastor Prince preach that the more you chase after something, the more it will flee from you.
So I began to rest in the finished work of Jesus and sit under the preaching of the anointed Word every morning. As the Word of God says, “…seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you” (Matt. 6:33).
After I had a revelation of this truth, my salary increased by thirty percent within that year. This is a miraculous jump for me because in my industry, typical annual salary increments range from two percent to three percent! Right believing certainly brings about miracles!
I hope everyone who reads this testimony will be encouraged, and see Daddy God as a God of more than enough! Thank you, Pastor Prince, for preaching grace and freedom from condemnation!
Ohio, United States