Praise Report

Instant Healing For Daughter’s Knee After Taking Holy Communion

I am writing to encourage others with what God has done for my seven-year-old daughter, Alexis, through the Holy Communion.

We were getting ready to spend a few days at my mom’s house on the Friday after Thanksgiving. As I was packing, I heard a sudden shriek followed by Alexis crying and screaming. I ran as fast as I could to her and found her standing with her entire weight on the left leg. Her right leg was trembling.

My mom, who was at our house then told me that Alexis had slipped on the hardwood floor while running and fell very hard on her knees. She’d gone down with her knees inward and her feet pointing out.

I quickly picked my child up and carried her to the couch. As soon as she calmed down, my mom and I laid our hands on her right knee, prayed and declared healing in Jesus’ name. I asked Alexis to get up to walk. As soon as she tried to put weight on her right knee, she buckled. She could not stand on her right leg.

To get our minds off her knee and focus on the healing, I put on worship music and we played with her favorite trucks for the next 30 minutes. As she was afraid to stand up, Alexis slid around the floor on her behind. A few times she’d forgotten and tried to get up but she quickly realized that her knee was still hurting and burst into tears due to the pain.

When it was time for lunch, I drove out to get Alexis’s favorite meal from McDonald’s. As I was driving, I began to realize the seriousness of her injury. Fear, anger and worries started to rush in like a 100-foot wave.

Our family has been going through a lot for the past few years because of Alexis’ developmental problems. We have been holding on to the hope of Jesus Christ and this accident felt like someone had poured salt over our wounds. In addition, I was dismayed that our plan for a nice, long Thanksgiving weekend at my mom’s house may be hampered by a weekend stay at a hospital instead.

As I was driving and crying out to God, a verse from the song, Blessed Be Your Name, came to my mind and at that moment, I decided to sing praises instead. So I turned up the volume to drown out the discouraging voices inside my head and I sang aloud to the song, This Is The Day, which was being played.

When I reached home, Alexis was in good spirits but she still could not put her weight on her right knee. We had lunch and continued our normal routine of partaking in the Holy Communion—something we have been doing daily since we learned about its significance from Pastor Joseph Prince.

As my mom and I were clearing up the table after Communion, Alexis got up. She picked up a plate to carry it out to the kitchen and before I had a chance to stop her, she started to walk. In my anxiety, I grabbed her shirt to tell her to walk slowly but she was walking quickly and it was only then that I realized that her right knee was completely healed! All the pain, swelling and deep bruising were gone. I could only see a small faint bruise, as if the accident had occurred many days ago.

So we made it to my mom’s house two hours later as we had planned! And that weekend, we went shopping and Alexis was even able to hop on her right leg.

We give all the glory to our Lord, Jesus Christ, who carried all our pain and diseases on His own body. And I pray that this testimony will bless someone else in Jesus’ mighty name!

Anna Park
New Jersey, United States
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