Praise Report

Jesus-Centered Lives Bring Blessings In Family

My family and I first heard you on television in the spring of 2009, when we were holidaying elsewhere in England, United Kingdom. We do not have cable or satellite TV so we were interested in watching the God channels when we rented a holiday home. We “happened” to turn the TV on to the right channel when you were just starting your program.

I was amazed at what I heard. The message was on how the tribes of Israel were arranged and the different banners. What I heard was so new and powerful to me. When the program ended, God enabled me to remember every word so that I could write them down and revisit it.

When I got home, I told all my friends about what I had seen. Knowing that all I have to do is keep my eyes on Jesus and God will take care of everything around me has increased my faith to new levels. Our lives have been transformed. Our lives are now Jesus-centered and God has done amazing things.

Son Healed Of Asperger Syndrome

First of all, He healed my son of Asperger syndrome later that summer. He was 18 years old at the time and had miraculously been accepted into university to study electronic engineering without ever passing his English examinations. However, he was struggling with being organized and was also suicidal because of the teachings in our church. Everyone was pushed into prayer sessions of various time slots and to attend three services on a Sunday. Those that didn’t go were “backsliders” and would “miss out” on the blessings of God. Our son was desperately serious about pleasing God and wanted to do everything the leaders told us to but he was wearing himself out and becoming very intense.

After we heard your teaching, God started showing our family the truth in His Word. My son was healed and free and happy for the first time, and has coped very well at university, maintaining top grades into the third year.

Daughter’s Shorter Leg Grew Out

My daughter was at Performing Arts College at the time. She had been accepted despite having one leg longer than the other. As a result, she missed many of her dance classes because she was in so much pain. She could not even walk for two minutes around the shops, but we didn’t realize how bad it was for her. Amazingly, she always recovered enough to take her dance examinations and she always got the top marks, but would then sit out for the next six weeks or so, just watching the lessons.

In the autumn of 2009, she had one more year to go in college and one day I just felt that this had to stop. When she got home from college, I sat her on a chair and held out her legs. One was at least an inch shorter than the other. She has very long legs—one was 33 inches and the other was 32 inches. I told the shorter leg to grow in Jesus’ name and it grew right there in my hand. We measured her legs again and they were both 34 inches! All the pain left, she never missed another dance class, and graduated with the highest mark ever in her dance teaching examinations.

Revelation On The Benjamin Generation

All this time, I remembered your name and told myself that I ought to look you up on the Internet to see if you had any other sermons I could listen to, but it was not till the beginning of last year that it happened.

In January 2010, we had heard a New Year sermon in church on how we were the Benjamin Generation. What we heard in that sermon made my son and I sit down independently to study every passage in the Bible that relates to Benjamin or his tribe. We also asked God to show us what it really meant to be the Benjamin generation. We both came to the same conclusion: The Benjamin generation was about being the child of God at His right hand, receiving all the blessings Jesus died to give us.

It was during this time that I felt really impressed to look you up on the Internet. I eventually found a site that has your messages and was so happy that I ordered a few of them. I was just about to close the site when I saw a “promotions” tab on the top right hand side of the page. I just clicked it for the sake of it and was astonished to see the DVD and book on the Benjamin Generation. Man, I was excited! I ordered it immediately and had to wait just a few days for it to arrive.

When I heard it, I was so glad that God had showed us His truth and we were not the only ones who knew it! We share your resources with our friends who are now running the Alpha course and grounding new Christians in the solid truths of Jesus’ finished work on the cross.

Family Healed Of Dairy Foods And Gluten Intolerance

God has done another miracle in our family too. None of us could eat dairy or gluten and our diet was very restricted. We could not join in fellowship with others if it involved food as it was so difficult explaining why we were not eating. However, when we heard the messages on the Holy Communion and the perfect exchange Jesus performed on the cross, we decided that it had to be the truth, and therefore we were already healed.

We took the Holy Communion, declaring that by Jesus’ stripes we had been healed and from that day on we have been eating normally. Once or twice we suffered pain, but as we spoke in tongues, the pain instantly left. For over a year now, we have been completely well. We had so many new foods to try we are now a little heavier than we were!

Son Protected In Car Accident

Recently, our son took his driving test. Before he left, I anointed him with oil and declared God’s protection over him. He was very late returning from the test because a car had reversed into the side of his car as he was driving along the road. The car was so badly dented that the examiner had trouble opening his door. The examiner was injured from the impact, but my son was completely unhurt and unfazed despite the impact! That is the power of God’s protection. He had to retake his test and he passed.

Thank you for all that you have done. There is a little corner of Britain that is growing in the revelation and knowledge of Jesus Christ and His finished work on the cross because of your teachings. Lives are being transformed, people set free and sicknesses healed. Praise God!

United Kingdom
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