Praise Report

Jesus Paid It All And He Wants Us To Freely Receive

It has been 87 days since my husband had gone home to be with the Lord! What comforts me is that he is finally at peace and waiting for us to join him and our Lord Jesus Christ.

Your daily broadcast is the one thing that I look forward to as it either confirms what I believe through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ or it ministers to my need. Your preaching excited my husband so much and he also looked forward to your daily broadcasts. I thank our good Lord that my husband passed away peacefully in his sleep without any physical pain or suffering.

However, my husband, children and I have undergone emotional turmoil especially in the last three years due to rejection and persecution from our respective families. It is through your ministry that we have learned to love and forgive our family members for the shame, rejection and persecution we suffered. But we still need time to heal emotionally and mentally from all that we have been through.

Due to certain family circumstances, my husband could not stay with us and the separation and rejection he faced caused him undue stress and he went into depression. He had a heart attack in 2008. However, our Lord's grace ensured that he did not have to undergo any surgery and my husband had only a blockage, which was caused due to the delay of not going to the hospital earlier.

Several problems created by my family members caused my husband a second minor attack in 2009, while he was still living away from us. Even then, our Lord was gracious and merciful. He survived the attack, needed no surgery and had no more blockages. But from then on, his mental and emotional state of mind took a downturn. While he took his daily medication, his emotional and mental suffering was so severe that he sometimes pleaded with his family to allow him to drink or give him some sleeping pills so that he could just go to sleep.

When I finally managed to get him to be with me and our two sons in 2010, seeing him after almost one and a half years, I was shocked. He had withered away. We did our best to keep him cheerful and relaxed. Your preaching is what he looked forwardto every day and it uplifted him. He always recited the call for prayer at the end of your sermon series. Nevertheless, he wanted to go home to be with the Lord and cried out many times to our Lord to take him to be at rest. His concern was for me and our two sons. But he provided all he could for us to ensure that we would be secure with a roof over our heads and not financially dependent on anyone.

Since I have not been working for almost four years, I have looked to the Lord who is our source. He has provided! Whatever we need, I tell my Lord and He provides it. Your teaching on resting in the Lord and His finished work on the cross helped me to understand why in my early Christian days I struggled—it was because of my human effort. Today, I have a chance to fulfill my desire and serve the Lord full-time.

Your sermons are so easy to understand and they have shown me the way to reach and touch the lives of my relatives. I recently lost an aunt who lingered on her bed for two years. It is sad to see that people, even Christians, believe that God wants them to suffer on earth and carry a cross. Your teaching confirms what my husband was trying to teach me so many years ago about how Jesus paid it all and He wants us to freely receive, because only He can freely give the good we do not deserve as He took on Himself our curses which He did not deserve.

What I love best (and what even Christians today struggle to understand) is that not only our past, but also our present and future sins have been punished in Jesus and we will never be punished for them. God will never punish twice for the same sin (the law of double jeopardy).

Today, I have asked my Lord to partner with me in raising my two sons and helping them reach their God-ordained destinies. By the way, both my sons love your messages and also watch your program daily. I used to be so worried and anxious regarding their studies. These days, I ask the Lord to teach me to have faith in not their human efforts, but in His love, grace and unmerited favor as He has already secured seats for them in accredited colleges so that they can obtain their qualifications. I remind them that it is by resting in Jesus and by trusting His Word that they can taste success and be victorious in their studies, career paths and God-ordained destinies.

I feel blessed that the Lord has ensured that even in the absence of their earthly father, through your daily broadcasts, my sons can still get to learn the message of what Jesus did on the cross, His grace, love and favor upon us. This is what their father wanted to teach to them, so that they could receive and understand it, believe it and make it part and parcel of their daily lives.

We devour the fresh revelations the Lord gives to you.

Mumbai, United States
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