Praise Report

Joseph’s Preaching Of The Word Saved Our Lives

I live in a very small town in Mississippi in the United States and I thank God for sending me (a single mother) Pastor Joseph Prince all the way from Singapore to save my life.

A lady at work had his book Destined To Reign and one of his CD sermons on relationships. I thought that I would listen to the man from Singapore.

I’ve been in church my whole life but felt that something wasn’t adding up. The Word of God just didn’t seem to say what it meant or meant what it said and I had given up on it.

But when I started listening to Pastor Prince on the Internet and television, it saved my life. He made God’s Word come alive. Everything that I thought the Word meant became so real to me. I didn’t have “bad luck” and I wasn’t born under the wrong moon. God is not mad at me and I’m not being punished. I never heard the Word explained the way Pastor Prince explained it.

I just want to thank him for being obedient to the voice of the Lord. He “came” all the way to Vicksburg, Mississippi, to save me as well as my baby. She is a perfectly healthy little girl who recognizes Pastor Prince when we watch him on TV or the Internet. His favorite phrase is, “let not your heart be troubled”. It saved our lives. Thank you so much.

Mississippi, United States
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